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Perhaps a few years ago, there were still those who did not know the vegan diet. However, today, along with vegetarian, it is one of the best-known diets. Either little by little, or suddenly, more and more people are becoming part of the vegan world.
There are already many restaurants that include vegan dishes in their menus and now in supermarkets we can find new products that do not have animal origin.
And what exactly does it mean to be vegan? It means consuming exclusively products of vegetable origin, leaving aside all those having animal origin. That is, no meat or fish (animals), but neither milk nor eggs (which come from animals). That is why all the fat intake of these diets must be of vegetable origin.
And this is where EVOO comes into play. Fats should be part of any balanced diet and, if in a vegan diet all fats of animal origin are excluded from the menu, the extra virgin olive oil is undoubtedly one of the best alternatives.
The best fats for our health are the so-called monounsaturated or light fats. Where can we find them? In foods such as nuts, avocado or EVOO. And this liquid gold also has the great advantage that it can be consumed both raw and cooked, without losing its benefits at high temperatures.
Surely if we ask you right now about other types of vegetable origin fats, you could tell us a few. But could you assure us that they are beneficial for health? Not just because something is "plant-based" is healthy. In fact, there are saturated vegetable fats, which even solidify at room temperature, such as palm oil, for example, that are considered harmful to our body... and if we think about hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) fats, or trans fats, those are even more harmful to our body. Thus, extra virgin olive oil becomes the perfect alternative to fats of animal origin for all those who follow a vegan diet.
And not only for its monounsaturated fats contribution (whose daily intake, as we told you before, is very necessary), but also for many other benefits that we have talked about on other occasions. Today we take the opportunity to remember and point out some of them that are a plus to the quality of EVOO fat for vegan diets.
We start by reminding you of the high content of polyphenols and carotenoids in the extra virgin olive oil, providing it with a great antioxidant capacity. We also want to refer at this point to its vitamin content, its contribution to an adequate intestinal transit and its heart-healthy effects for our body.
And after all this information, we are sure you will agree with us that EVOO is a superfood for the vegan diet (as well as for any other healthy and balanced diet, of course).