Purchase conditions
We inform you that all purchases made from the Portal https://cotobajo.es/ will be subject to the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase set forth herein.
The user must follow the steps indicated in this document to formalize the purchase, which will imply full and unreserved adherence to each and every one of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase that are published on the Portal at that time, as well as the Special Conditions that, where appropriate, may govern the purchase.
These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Law 7/1998 on General Conditions of Contract, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and any other applicable provisions.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. reserves the right to modify at any time these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. The sending of the purchase form is a way of contracting. Also, the correct sending of this form produces full legal effects with respect to the effectiveness and validity of contracts.
By using this website and making any purchase process you are bound by these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, so we recommend that you read them carefully, in addition to the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy, the cookies policy and data protection . If you do not agree with them, you should refrain from making any purchase of products on this page.
Through the Portal https://cotobajo.es/, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., domiciled in Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba and with C.I.F. A14094650, contact telephone number 957330349 and e-mail address administracion@cotobajo.es, offers the possibility to the users to acquire "articles", being understood as such all the products and services that we offer for sale.
1.1 Identification of the service provider.
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the identifying data of the owner of https://cotobajo.es/ are:
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. with CIF A14094650 and registered office at Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba.
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Cordoba, Volume 784, Folio 107, Page No. 5775.
If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact us through the following means of contact:
Telephone: 957330349
e-mail: administracion@cotobajo.es
Contact form available on the web https://cotobajo.es/contacto
1.2 Description.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. through the present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase offers its users and visitors the possibility to purchase on-line the products and services offered, in addition to establishing communication with the user.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., will develop its e-commerce activity as a virtual store through the website https://cotobajo.es/.
This electronic platform has information about the different products (oils and honeys) and their main characteristics for the sale and distribution of the same, managing the acquisition by electronic means. Our website has the product lines listed below:
- Oils:
- Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- Picual variety
- Arbequina variety
- Coto Bajo tradition
- From Flores de Campiña
- Orange Blossom
The commercialization of the products included in the above categories is governed by the following General Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. may alter at any time and without prior notice, the design, presentation and/or configuration of the Web Site, as well as some or all of the services.
1.3 Capacity to contract and subject matter of the contract
The contracting of services and/or acquisition of articles is prohibited to those users who do not have the legal capacity to contract in accordance with their national law. The natural or legal person who contracts the service or acquires the article and is registered as the owner and, therefore, user of the same, shall be considered a client.
The user is responsible for providing their data correctly during the purchase process established on the web https://cotobajo.es/ being responsible for the accuracy of such personal data provided to the service provider. In the web https://cotobajo.es/ the user will have all the information related to the price and main characteristics of the articles.
The present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase are intended to regulate the purchase relationship born between the service provider and the user at the moment in which the user accepts them and formalizes the purchase, following the procedure described below. Likewise, the contractual relationship of purchase involves the delivery, in exchange for a determined price and publicly exposed through the web site, of a specific product.
1.4.- Acceptance of the particular conditions of purchase.
The access and use of the service of https://cotobajo.es/ implies by the User the full and unreserved acceptance of all the conditions contained in these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. Also, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. reserves in any case the unilateral right to modify these Terms and Conditions. The User is responsible for consulting them every time he/she accesses, navigates and/or uses the Web Site, since those in force at the time the purchase of products and/or services is requested will be applicable.
Any order placed with Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. necessarily implies as an essential, determining and essential condition, the unreserved acceptance by the customer of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of its products, in force on the day on which the corresponding order is carried out. Furthermore, the customer acknowledges that the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall imply their application to the order to which they refer.
The fact that Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. does not have recourse at any given time to any of these conditions shall not be construed as or be equivalent to waiving recourse to them in the past or in the future.
The mere access to the Portal does not imply registration as a user. In any case, you must provide the required information in order to process your request, so if you forget to fill in any information marked as mandatory, you can not move forward in the purchase or validation process until you have completed it, being warned of this situation by a message on the screen.
2.1.- Our products How to find them?
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., puts at your disposal a virtual store that offers all kinds of products and services organized in families, to make it easier for you to find them. From the home page, through the "Shop" option in the main menu, you can access all the products.
2.2.- Product categories/families:
On the website https://cotobajo.es/tienda/ you can purchase oils and honeys with a wide variety of options to choose from, within the following categories:
- Oils:
- Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- Picual variety
- Arbequina variety
- Coto Bajo tradition
- From Flores de Campiña
- Orange Blossom
All products have a detailed card, which includes a photograph, name, description and price including taxes. The prices that appear in the product cards are an invitation to the customer to make an order proposal; therefore, if there is an error in them, https://cotobajo.es/ will inform the customer of this circumstance and will not process the order.
Once the products have been selected, they will be added to the Shopping Cart, where the user will be able to add or remove products at any time. Once the product selection process has been completed and the user clicks on the "Finalize Purchase" button, the user can finish the product selection process and proceed to payment by clicking on the "Pay" button.
The user will then receive an e-mail confirming that we have received his or her purchase request, i.e. the order confirmation.
2.3.- Buy in https://cotobajo.es
In order to purchase, it is not necessary for the user to register on our e-commerce platform. To place an order through our e-commerce platform, the User must fill out our form with the billing and delivery details, providing us with the following information:
- Name and surname
- Complete mailing address
- E-mail address
- Contact telephone number
In addition, the user may receive information about offers and promotions if desired. For more information about the treatment and storage of your personal data, please see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
Product availability.
The selection of products offered through https://cotobajo.es/ is valid as long as the products are visible on the website. As it is an e-commerce, the stock is updated online so it could happen, eventually, that during the purchase process the stock runs out, not being able, therefore, to continue with the purchase initiated.
To this availability must be added the time it takes our main parcel transport operators: Correos, CTT Express, GLS and our pallet transport operators: national CBL and international CAYCO to deliver the goods.
Therefore, all purchase orders received by Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. through the Website are subject to the availability of products and / or that no circumstance or force majeure affects the supply of the same and / or the provision of services. In the event that there is any break in stock, supply difficulties or unavailability of an item, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. will contact the customer to inform him immediately and give a new delivery time or, if it is not possible to serve the product, proceed to its cancellation and refund any amount that may have been paid as an amount.
In any case, a delay in delivery with respect to the indicated deadlines shall not entitle the customer to claim any compensation.
2.5.- How is the order processed?
To formalize the purchase of the selected products and incorporated into the cart, the process will be executed in three steps, first the selection of the product, secondly, the user will provide the personal data required for its acquisition and, finally, will proceed to the payment, incorporating the summary of the purchase made. During the whole process, the information corresponding to the result of the purchase will appear on the screen with a reference to the main characteristics of the products which, unless expressly indicated otherwise, will include the price including taxes, as well as the shipping costs, if applicable. Likewise, all the details of the product can be consulted in the descriptive card of the product, by clicking on the name of the product. Complete information will be available at all times prior to accepting the purchase.
Una vez aceptado nuestro clausulado legal previamente a la confirmación del pedido, durante todo el proceso de compra se indicarán los pasos a seguir, como a continuación queda expuesto. En dicho proceso se determinará la información de facturación; información sobre el plazo de envío; la forma de pago, mediante tarjeta de crédito, débito o transferencia bancaria cuyo importe será abonado en el momento de la confirmación de la adquisición de los productos; y, por último, la descripción del artículo adquirido.
Una vez finalizado el proceso de compra y previamente a la confirmación del mismo, aparecerá un resumen de la compra realizada, que contendrá toda la información expuesta. Asimismo, verificada por el usuario la información expuesta, podrá aceptar la operación de compra, procediendo al pago de la misma mediante la modalidad de pago con tarjeta de crédito, débito o transferencia bancaria como única opción aceptada en la web.
En el primer paso, denominado “Carrito”, se seleccionarán los productos y se añadirán al carrito. Posteriormente, en el segundo paso, denominado “Entrega y Pago” se proporcionará la información estrictamente necesaria para la formalización del pedido con aceptación de las condiciones generales de compra y de la cláusula de protección de datos personales. Tras pulsar sobre el botón “Finalizar compra”, aparecerá el resumen detallado del pedido efectuado con la información correspondiente a los datos de facturación, el número de productos comprados junto al importe y características de los mismos, con opción de modificarlas previamente a su confirmación. Si todo lo que aparece en el resumen de compra es correcto, el usuario pulsará sobre el botón “Pagar”, dando lugar a la última fase, correspondiente al pago que se efectuará mediante tarjeta de crédito, débito o transferencia, visualizando de nuevo en pantalla los datos de la operación, cuya compra quedará confirmada pulsando sobre el botón “Pagar”, perfeccionándose la compra una vez que el usuario proporcione los datos adicionales para el pago on-line del pedido, conforme a la forma de pago determinada.
Por tanto, el usuario únicamente deberá seleccionar el producto que desea adquirir y pulsar en la imagen del mismo para poder ver las características y detalles del producto en la ficha técnica y donde podrá seleccionar el número de unidades que quiera solicitar. Una vez informado de todas las características del producto si decide continuar con el procedimiento de compra pulsará el botón de «añadir al carrito». Todos los productos incluidos en el «carrito» podrán ser eliminados, siempre que así lo indique.
En caso de que usted modifique alguno de los datos introducidos, variará automáticamente el resumen mostrado en pantalla.
Para finalizar su compra hará click en el botón “finalizar compra” y una vez completado el pedido con los datos de facturación y entrega, la confirmará clicando en el botón “pagar” y si todo es correcto, deberá de clicar en el botón destinado para realizar la compra “pagar” para completar el pedido con los datos de la tarjeta de crédito/débito. Deberá en todo caso, aceptar previamente los términos y condiciones de compra y la política de protección de datos.
Finalizado el proceso de compra descrito, registrado y ejecutado el pago de los productos, el usuario recibirá, en un plazo máximo de 24 horas, en la dirección de correo electrónico designada en el formulario de compra, un e-mail de confirmación de su pedido con todos los detalles de la compra efectuada. Asimismo, a petición del cliente se enviará factura en papel o vía correo electrónico según la opción seleccionada.
Al facilitarnos sus datos declara que Usted es titular de los mismos siendo el único responsable de la veracidad de los datos introducidos en el proceso de compra. Si incumple esta obligación quedará bajo su responsabilidad el responder de los posibles daños y perjuicios que se puedan producir a Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A.
Los contratos serán formalizados en lengua castellana. Asimismo, el documento electrónico en que se formalice el contrato será archivado durante el tiempo legalmente establecido con el fin de constituir un medio de prueba de las transacciones realizadas.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. no se responsabilizará de los eventuales errores tipográficos que puedan existir en el Portal, no obstante, actuará en todo momento con la diligencia necesaria para detectar cualquier tipo de error tipográfico que pudiera existir en las características, precios, etc. de los artículos, procediendo a subsanar inmediatamente dicho error.
Asimismo, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. aplica todas las medidas concernientes a proporcionar una visualización fiel del producto en el Sitio Web no responsabilizándose por las mínimas diferencias o inexactitudes que puedan existir debido a falta de resolución de la pantalla, o problemas del navegador que se utilice u otros de esta índole.
2.6.- Prices.
The prices applicable to each product, which include VAT, are those indicated in the product sheet, as well as the corresponding shipping costs, broken down before the order confirmation.
The bids shall be duly marked and identified as such, conveniently indicating the previous price and the bid price.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, the modifications it deems appropriate, and may update products and services on a daily basis depending on the market.
The corresponding shipping costs are always indicated in the order, the amount of which is established according to the weight of the package and the geographical area where it is delivered. Under no circumstances will the Website automatically add additional costs to the price of a product or service, but only those that the User has selected and chosen voluntarily and freely.
Prices may change at any time, but any changes will not affect orders or purchases for which the user has already received an order confirmation.
2.7. - Forms of payment.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. proposes the following as the only means of payment:
- Payment by credit/debit card, using a system to securely make payments on the Internet. The Secure Electronic Commerce system is based on the card issuer identifying the cardholder before authorizing payment over the Internet. Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing bank, if that entity does not authorize the payment, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. will not be responsible for any delay and may not enter into any contract with the User.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. uses all means to ensure the confidentiality and security of payment data transmitted by the User during transactions through the Web Site, a secure connection is established through SSL (Secure Socket Layer), where you must confirm the payment and enter bank details directly. This page is not controlled by Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., but it is an external payment gateway, so that Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. has no access to your bank details or store them.
When using the Virtual POS to make the card payment, you are redirected to a page controlled by the Bank to make the payment through its payment gateway. Therefore, we inform you that the Virtual POS of the Bank integrates the Secure Electronic Commerce (CES) functionality during the process of the buyer as the legitimate cardholder in order to provide the purchase process with high security and payment protection. The Bank will collect during the electronic payment transaction information related to the connection and IP address, device information, email address, cell phone, navigation data and transaction data, as well as other accessible data from the online connection and the channel required by the VISA Secure / Mastercard Identity Check Security protocols, in order to detect and prevent unauthorized or fraudulent payment transactions.
- Payment by bank transfer, orders will be confirmed and processed for shipment once the amount of the order is received in our bank account. It is important to indicate in the subject line the number of the order, as well as the personal data of the user who is making the purchase (name and surname), and to make the bank transfer within 3 days after the order confirmation date in order to validate it. If COTO BAJO has not received the corresponding amount, the order will be cancelled.
2.8.- Non-payment.
Once the agreed due date for shipment, in case of total or partial non-payment by the customer, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. may suspend or cancel any shipment, without incurring liability for any damages or losses, including loss of profits, or damages for delay or loss of production caused to the customer. The foregoing power of Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., in no case, relieve the customer of its contractual obligations in relation to payments due and receipt of products.
2.9.- Invoicing.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. shall be obliged to issue an invoice to those customers who require it. This invoice will include the concept and the detail of the amounts received for the shipment of the orders requested.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. will send, on paper together with the order, delivery note of the purchase made to the contact address provided by the user in the registration process and the invoice if requested.
Likewise, if the buyer so requests and in accordance with the express consent provided by him in his request, he may at the time of completion of purchase request to be provided with the invoice in electronic format, being sent to the contact email address provided by the buyer in the purchase process.
2.10.- Transport and shipping costs.
Shipping and/or handling costs are not included in the price and will be shown to the customer before finalizing the purchase, which will be determined according to the weight of the package and the geographical area where the package will be delivered.
Coto Bajo reserves the right to change the type of shipment and the company by which it is made, regardless of what is stated in these pages, and provided that it does not involve a manifest prejudice to the customer.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. is not responsible for any delay caused in the transport by:
- Incorrect or incomplete address
- Failure to provide a contact telephone number
- Carrier strikes and force majeure situations.
If the customer does not appreciate external breaks in the package when receiving it, but when opening it observes damage due to transport, you must notify within 24 hours to the transport company to record and contact Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. Otherwise, it is understood that the product has been accepted in accordance. Once the above period has elapsed, the transport company considers that the goods sent are in perfect condition and is not responsible for any defects.
2.11.- Delivery of the products.
Except in cases of unforeseen or extraordinary circumstances or, where appropriate, arising from the customization of the products, the purchase order consisting of the products listed in each purchase confirmation will be delivered within the period indicated on the Website and, in any case, within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of order confirmation.
In any case, the products will be sent to the shipping address that the customer has indicated in the order. In the case of an order of several items with different availabilities, the delivery time will take into account the longest expected delivery. The courier does not deliver on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
The delivery of standard orders is normally made from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 and 19:00 hours, approximately.
The peninsular delivery time will be 2-3 working days after placing the order for products available in stock for immediate shipment and 4-7 working days for products not available in stock for shipment.
For the rest of the European Union countries the estimated delivery time is 4-7 working days for products available in stock with immediate shipment and 7-14 working days for products not available in stock for shipment.
All our orders are delivered at home and on behalf of a recipient, it is not possible to agree delivery times. In the case of not being present at the time of delivery, carriers will leave a note of passage indicating whether they make a new attempt or if the customer must pick it up at their offices.
If for any reason, which was attributable, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. could not meet the delivery date, will contact the user to inform him of this circumstance and he may choose to go ahead with the purchase by setting a new delivery date or cancel the order with a full refund of the price paid.
In exceptional cases, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. reserves the right to break down the order, sending the items available and leaving pending a second shipment, the items not available. Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. will not send any product until its Administration Department has verified that the payment has been made.
In the event that the customer detects any problem at the time of delivery of your order (damaged packaging, defective products, missing or damaged) must indicate it in writing on the delivery note of the carrier, and notify Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. through the e-mail atencionalcliente@cotobajo.es within 24 hours after the reception of the order.
No return of damaged article will be admitted, as well as claim of missing article, if it has not been communicated within the established term. All this without prejudice to the right of guarantee for products not in accordance with the contract that assists all consumers, according to current regulations.
If the customer does not receive the order can contact Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. via telephone 957330349 or email address atencionalcliente@cotobajo.es
3.1.- Change.
The customer may change an order if it has not been shipped. For any change, you must notify as soon as possible via email atencionalcliente@cotobajo.es, indicating the desired changes.
These changes are not allowed by the customer when the product is custom-made, customized or following your instructions.
For its part, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. may not replace without prior consultation with the customer, a product or product model. If the case arises that, for reasons beyond Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., the supply of the order is not possible, the customer will be offered the possibility of changing it for a substitute product of similar characteristics, granting the right to cancellation of the order by the customer.
3.2 .- Return of orders.
Orders may be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, and for this the Customer must contact Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., through the e-mail atencionalcliente@cotobajo.es.
Conditions for the return.
- The return of orders placed by the customer is not allowed when the product is custom-made, personalized or following his instructions.
- The product must not have been used and must be returned with the same packaging that has been received and with its original seal, as well as the original labels and stickers. Products that have been modified cannot be returned.
- The customer must have the purchase invoice. In case of not having it, it must be in the database of Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A.
- The customer must bear the shipping costs in case of return, which must be paid directly to the carrier at the time of collection. Any material received freight collect will not be collected.
- The item to be returned must be properly packaged for return.
- The shipping costs of the order will not be refunded.
The following are causes for return of products:
1. The product does not meet the characteristics of the card shown on our website. In this case the amount of the product will be refunded except for shipping costs. This refund will be made to the means of payment used by the customer by refund.
2. That the product comes from defective origin. In this case we will proceed to the change for another equal once the product to be returned has been received. Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. will pay the return and reshipment costs.
Once we receive the goods at our warehouse and verified that the item meets the conditions required for return, we will proceed to integrate the amount of the purchase in the same payment method that has been made within 14 days from the date on which we send you an email confirming that the refund or replacement of the non-conforming item.
In any case, the rights recognized in the legislation in force at any time for the user, as a consumer and user, will always apply.
The customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase within 14 calendar days without justification, for all orders that have not been made to measure or following the instructions of the customer or products that for reasons of hygiene or health are sealed and have been unsealed after delivery. To do this, the user can use and download the following:
The withdrawal period will expire after 14 calendar days, starting from the day on which the customer or a third party indicated by the customer, other than the carrier, received the order.
To exercise this right of withdrawal, the user must notify its decision to Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. to any of the addresses provided on the web.
Products not subject to the right of withdrawal.
In cases of orders for sealed goods that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and have been unsealed after delivery shall apply paragraph e) of Article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, approving the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, which provides as follows:
"The right of withdrawal shall not apply to contracts relating to:
e) The supply of sealed goods that are not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery.
4.2.- Forma de ejercicio del derecho de desistimiento.
Para ejercer el derecho de desistimiento, el usuario deberá notificar a Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. su decisión de desistir del contrato a través de una decisión inequívoca, por cualquiera de las siguientes vías:
• A través de comunicación postal, en la dirección siguiente: Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba.
• A través de correo electrónico dirigido a administracion@cotobajo.es
Para cumplir el plazo de desistimiento, basta con que la comunicación relativa al ejercicio del derecho por su parte sea enviada antes de que venza el plazo correspondiente.
El usuario, independientemente del medio que elija para comunicar su decisión, debe expresar de forma clara e inequívoca que es su intención desistir del contrato de compra. En todo caso, el usuario podrá utilizar el modelo de formulario de desistimiento que Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. pone a su disposición en los presentes Términos y condiciones generales de compra, sin embargo, su uso no es obligatorio.
En caso de desistimiento se le devolverán todos los pagos recibidos. No obstante, el cliente deberá asumir el coste directo de devolución de los bienes.
El pago se producirá sin ninguna demora indebida y, en todo caso, como máximo, transcurridos 14 días naturales a partir de la fecha en la que el cliente informe del desistimiento. Se procederá a efectuar dicho reembolso utilizando el mismo medio de pago empleado para la transacción inicial, a no ser que se haya dispuesto expresamente lo contrario; en todo caso, el cliente no incurrirá en ningún gasto como consecuencia del reembolso.
No obstante, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. podría retener dicho reembolso hasta haber recibido los productos o artículos de la compra, o hasta que el usuario presente una prueba de la devolución de los mismos, según qué condición se cumpla primero. El usuario puede devolver o enviar los productos a Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. en la dirección Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba y deberá hacerlo sin ninguna demora indebida y, en cualquier caso, a más tardar en el plazo de 14 días naturales a partir de la fecha en que Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. fue informado de la decisión de desistimiento.
Asimismo, se debe devolver los productos incluyendo todos sus envoltorios originales (embalaje inicial, precinto original, así como las etiquetas y pegatinas originales), las instrucciones y demás documentos que en su caso los acompañen, además de una copia de la factura de compra.
En todo caso, no se hará ningún reembolso si el producto ha sido usado más allá de la mera apertura del mismo o si los productos no estén en las mismas condiciones en las que se entregaron o hayan sufrido algún daño tras la entrega.
Todos los productos poseen una garantía de tres años desde la fecha de la entrega por la falta de conformidad de los mismos que se manifieste en dicho plazo, si bien en la misma no se incluyen deficiencias ocasionadas por negligencias, golpes, uso incorrecto o manipulaciones indebidas. Además, la garantía perderá su valor si se carece de factura o tique de compra.
Salvo prueba en contrario, se presumirá que la falta de conformidad que se manifieste en los seis meses posteriores a la entrega del producto ya existía cuando el producto se entregó, excepto cuando esta presunción sea incompatible con la naturaleza del producto o la índole de la falta de conformidad.
La garantía quedará inválida bajo las siguientes circunstancias:
• Golpes y/o transporte inadecuado,
• Culpa o negligencia del cliente o tercero,
• Uso incorrecto,
• Daños como consecuencia de fuerza mayor.
Asimismo, se entiende que los productos son conformes con el contrato siempre que se ajusten a la descripción realizada por Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. y posean las cualidades presentadas en la misma; sean aptos para los usos a que ordinariamente se destinan los productos del mismo tipo; y presenten la calidad y prestaciones habituales de un pro-ducto del mismo tipo y que sean fundamentalmente esperables del mismo.
Por otra parte, podría llegar a darse el caso que el usuario adquiere en el Sitio Web un producto de una marca o de fabricación por un tercero. En este caso, y considerando el usuario que se trata de un producto defectuoso, éste también tiene la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto con la marca o fabricante responsable del producto para averiguar cómo ejercer su derecho de garantía legal di-rectamente frente a los mismos durante los tres años siguientes a la entrega de dichos productos. Para ello, el Usuario debe haber conservado toda la información en relación con la garantía de los productos pudiendo ponerse en contacto con Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cine-géticas, S.A. en cualquiera de las direcciones de contacto habilitadas en la web y le ayudaremos en la gestión de la misma.
El cliente se obliga a realizar un uso lícito de los Servicios, sin contravenir la legislación vigente, ni lesionar los derechos e intereses de terceras personas.
El cliente garantiza la veracidad y exactitud de los datos facilitados al cumplimentar los formularios de contratación, evitando causar perjuicios a Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. como consecuencia de la incorrección de los mismos.
Asimismo, se compromete a posibilitar la entrega del pedido solicitado facilitando una dirección de entrega en la que pueda ser recibido el pedido solicitado dentro del horario habitual de entrega de mercancías de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 19:00 horas, aproximadamente.
En el caso de no estar presente el destinatario en el momento de la entrega, los transportistas dejarán un nuevo aviso indicando si realizan un nuevo intento o si el cliente debe pasar a recogerlo a su delegación.
El incumplimiento de cualquiera de estos Términos y Condiciones Generales de Compra podrá dar lugar a la anulación o cancelación de los pedidos por parte de Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. sin necesidad de preaviso al cliente y sin que ello suponga un derecho a indemnización alguna.
En caso de ser rechazado el envío por el cliente, Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. no reembolsará el importe de los gastos del envío, siendo asumidos por el cliente.
We remind you that Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. complies with current legislation on data protection and in accordance with the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 and the EU Regulation 679/2016 General Data Protection, prior to the formalization of the order, specifically coinciding with the receipt of your data you must have read and, if you agree, accepted the data protection policy in which you will have been informed about the processing of personal data that we perform.
Any notification or communication that may be made between the parties in relation to these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase may be made either in writing, sent by ordinary mail and received at the address of our company, or by e-mail contact exchanged between the two.
Specifically in the case of Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., it shall be notified at the following postal address: Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba, at the telephone number 957330349 or at the e-mail address administracion@cotobajo.es.
For any clarification, suggestion, complaint or claim you can contact our Customer Service Department by the following means, where we will attend your request.
Postal address: Finca El Gamo s/n Ctra. de Almodóvar Km. 6,6 (CP 14130), Guadalcázar, Córdoba
E-mail address: atencionalcliente@cotobajo.es or administracion@cotobajo.es
Telephone number: 957330349
We also have a Complaint Form available for consumers and users. You can request it by contacting any of the addresses indicated above.
We inform you that in the event of submitting a complaint or claim, you will be assigned an identification code and a written receipt that will be sent to you through the means of contact determined by you, leaving a record of the complaint or claim submitted by you.
Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A., will respond to your complaint or claim as soon as possible and in any case within a maximum period of one month from the submission of the same. In the event that your request is not satisfactorily resolved, you may go to the ordinary jurisdiction or process your claim through the website http://ec.europa.eu/odr, which will provide free of charge a single point of access for out-of-court resolution.
If any clause included in these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase were declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only that provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, subsisting the rest of the General Conditions of Purchase. Consequently, the clause declared totally or partially null or ineffective shall be deemed not to have been included.
In general, access to the services offered on the website shall be restricted solely and exclusively to persons over 18 years of age.
The sales and purchases made in Coto Bajo Explotaciones Agrícolas, Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, S.A. are subject to Spanish law. We inform you that any conflict or discrepancy in relation to these general conditions will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals that have jurisdiction in accordance with the applicable legal regulations: in the case of end consumers, the competent Courts and Tribunals will be those of the place of fulfilment of the obligation or of the domicile of the purchasing party.
Also, in accordance with current legislation, we inform you that you can at any time access the EU Platform for Online Dispute Resolution, at the following address:
Therefore, both parties may submit their disputes to arbitration provided for in the legislation on arbitration and consumer protection and users, and out-of-court dispute resolution procedures that are established through codes of conduct or other instruments of self-regulation.